Version 1
Version 2
Avec les codes ci-dessous, l'animation est incluse, après compilation, dans le pdf, grâce au package animate d'Alexander Grahn :
Version 1
\pnode(!-0.5 0){A}
\pnode(!3 sqrt 2 div 0.5 sub -0.5){B}
\pnode(!3 sqrt 2 div 0.5 sub 0.5){C}
\pnode(!3 sqrt 3 div 0.5 sub 0){G}
\pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor={[rgb]{0.5 0 0}},opacity=0.9,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0 0}}]{%
\pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor={[rgb]{0 0 0.7}}]{%
end={\end{pspicture}}]{10}% 10 images/s
/tan {dup sin exch cos div} bind def
% valable pour alpha entre 0 et 30
/alpha \iA\space def
alpha 0 eq {/alpha 0.0001 def} if
/xT alpha cos 0.5 sub def
/yT alpha sin def
/xK 3 sqrt 2 div 0.5 sub alpha sin sub def
/yK alpha cos 0.5 sub def
/bK yK xK alpha tan mul sub def
/bT yT xT alpha tan div add def
/xS alpha 2 mul sin 2 div bT bK sub mul def
/yS xS alpha tan mul bK add def
/SK xS xK sub dup mul yS yK sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xP xS xK xS sub SK div add def
/yP yS yK yS sub SK div add def
/ST xT xS sub dup mul yS yT sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xR xS xT xS sub ST div add def
/yR yS yT yS sub ST div add def
/xC xR xP add 2 div def
/yC yR yP add 2 div def
\rput{!alpha }(!xC yC){\FRAME}
\pnode{C}\psdot[linecolor=blue](!xC yC)
/tan {dup sin exch cos div} bind def
/xB 3 sqrt 2 div 0.5 sub def
/yB -0.5 def
% valable pour alpha entre 60 et 90
/alpha \iA\space def
/xT alpha sin neg xB add def
/yT alpha cos 0.5 sub def
/xK 3 sqrt -2 div 0.5 add alpha cos add neg def
/yK alpha sin neg 0.5 add def
/bK yK xK alpha tan div add def
/bT yT xT alpha tan mul sub def
/xP alpha 2 mul sin bK bT sub mul 2 div def
/yP xP alpha tan mul bT add def
/PK xK xP sub dup mul yK yP sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xR xP xK xP sub PK div add def
/yR yP yK yP sub PK div add def
/PT xT xP sub dup mul yT yP sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xQ xP xT xP sub PT div add def
/yQ yP yT yP sub PT div add def
/xC xR xQ add 2 div def
/yC yR yQ add 2 div def
\rput{!alpha }(!xC yC){\FRAME}
\pnode(!xC yC){C}\psdot[linecolor=blue](!xC yC)
/Div { % control the division
dup 0 eq { pop 0 lt { -1e30 } % -y/0
{ 1e30 } ifelse } % +y/0
{ div } ifelse } def
/tan {dup sin exch cos Div} bind def
% valable pour alpha entre 60 et 90
/alpha \iA\space def
/xT alpha sin -0.5 add def
/yT alpha cos neg def
/xK alpha cos neg 3 sqrt 2 div add 0.5 sub def
/yK alpha sin neg 0.5 add def
/bK yK xK alpha tan div add def
/bT yT alpha tan xT mul sub def
/xP alpha 2 mul sin bK bT sub mul 2 div def
/yP xP alpha tan mul bT add def
/PK xP xK sub dup mul yP yK sub dup mul add sqrt def
/PT xP xT sub dup mul yP yT sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xQ xP xT xP sub PT div add def
/yQ yP yT yP sub PT div add def
/xR xP xK xP sub PK div add def
/yR yP yK yP sub PK div add def
/xC xR xQ add 2 div def
/yC yR yQ add 2 div def
\rput{!alpha }(!xC yC){\FRAME}%
\pnode(!xC yC){C}\psdot[linecolor=blue](!xC yC)
Version 2
\pnode(!-0.5 0){A}
\pnode(!3 sqrt 2 div 0.5 sub -0.5){B}
\pnode(!3 sqrt 2 div 0.5 sub 0.5){C}
\pnode(!3 sqrt 3 div 0.5 sub 0){G}
\pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor={[rgb]{0.5 0 0}},opacity=0.9,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0 0}}]{%
\pscustom[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor={[rgb]{0 0 0.7}}]{%
\psline(!1 3 sqrt sub 2 div -0.5)(!1 3 sqrt sub neg 2 div -0.5)
\psline(!0.5 1 3 sqrt sub 2 div )(!0.5 1 3 sqrt sub neg 2 div)
\psline(!1 3 sqrt sub neg 2 div 0.5)(!1 3 sqrt sub 2 div 0.5)
\psline(!-0.5 1 3 sqrt sub neg 2 div)(!-0.5 1 3 sqrt sub 2 div)
\moveto(! -0.6 0.6)
end={\end{pspicture}}]{10}% 10 images/s
/tan {dup sin exch cos div} bind def
% valable pour alpha entre 0 et 30
/alpha \iA\space def
alpha 0 eq {/alpha 0.0001 def} if
/xT alpha cos 0.5 sub def
/yT alpha sin def
/xK 3 sqrt 2 div 0.5 sub alpha sin sub def
/yK alpha cos 0.5 sub def
/bK yK xK alpha tan mul sub def
/bT yT xT alpha tan div add def
/xS alpha 2 mul sin 2 div bT bK sub mul def
/yS xS alpha tan mul bK add def
/SK xS xK sub dup mul yS yK sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xP xS xK xS sub SK div add def
/yP yS yK yS sub SK div add def
/ST xT xS sub dup mul yS yT sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xR xS xT xS sub ST div add def
/yR yS yT yS sub ST div add def
/xC xR xP add 2 div def
/yC yR yP add 2 div def
\rput{!alpha }(!xC yC){\EnveloppeTriangleCadre}
\pnode{C}\psdot[linecolor=blue](!xC yC)
/tan {dup sin exch cos div} bind def
/xB 3 sqrt 2 div 0.5 sub def
/yB -0.5 def
% valable pour alpha entre 60 et 90
/alpha \iA\space def
/xT alpha sin neg xB add def
/yT alpha cos 0.5 sub def
/xK 3 sqrt -2 div 0.5 add alpha cos add neg def
/yK alpha sin neg 0.5 add def
/bK yK xK alpha tan div add def
/bT yT xT alpha tan mul sub def
/xP alpha 2 mul sin bK bT sub mul 2 div def
/yP xP alpha tan mul bT add def
/PK xK xP sub dup mul yK yP sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xR xP xK xP sub PK div add def
/yR yP yK yP sub PK div add def
/PT xT xP sub dup mul yT yP sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xQ xP xT xP sub PT div add def
/yQ yP yT yP sub PT div add def
/xC xR xQ add 2 div def
/yC yR yQ add 2 div def
\rput{!alpha }(!xC yC){\EnveloppeTriangleCadre}
\pnode(!xC yC){C}\psdot[linecolor=blue](!xC yC)
/Div { % control the division
dup 0 eq { pop 0 lt { -1e30 } % -y/0
{ 1e30 } ifelse } % +y/0
{ div } ifelse } def
/tan {dup sin exch cos Div} bind def
% valable pour alpha entre 60 et 90
/alpha \iA\space def
/xT alpha sin -0.5 add def
/yT alpha cos neg def
/xK alpha cos neg 3 sqrt 2 div add 0.5 sub def
/yK alpha sin neg 0.5 add def
/bK yK xK alpha tan div add def
/bT yT alpha tan xT mul sub def
/xP alpha 2 mul sin bK bT sub mul 2 div def
/yP xP alpha tan mul bT add def
/PK xP xK sub dup mul yP yK sub dup mul add sqrt def
/PT xP xT sub dup mul yP yT sub dup mul add sqrt def
/xQ xP xT xP sub PT div add def
/yQ yP yT yP sub PT div add def
/xR xP xK xP sub PK div add def
/yR yP yK yP sub PK div add def
/xC xR xQ add 2 div def
/yC yR yQ add 2 div def
\rput{!alpha }(!xC yC){\EnveloppeTriangleCadre}%
\pnode(!xC yC){C}\psdot[linecolor=blue](!xC yC)