samedi 12 mars 2016

Dessiner des guillochis entre 2 cercles non concentriques avec PSTricks : version colorée

Cette version utilise la macro : \parametricplotHSB pour dessiner des courbes aux couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel :

Ci-dessous le listing permettant d'obtenir les images pour créer le Gif animé ci-dessus :

\author{Manuel Luque}
\date{10 mars 2016}
% Essai de Manuel Luque 19 février 2003
% transformé par Denis Girou le 25 février 2003
% révision le 14 septembre 2011

\define@key[psset]{pst-plothsb}{HueBegin}{% Between 0 and 1

\define@key[psset]{pst-plothsb}{HueEnd}{% Between 0 and 1


% Default values

/t  #2 def
/dt #3 t sub \psk@plotpoints\space div def
/t t dt sub def
/Counter 0 def
\psk@plotpoints {
  /t t dt add def
  /Counter Counter 1 add def
/F@pstplot \ifPst@algebraic (#4)
                    tx@AlgToPs begin AlgToPs end cvx
                 \else { #4 }
    \else  #4
  \pst@number\psyunit mul exch
  \pst@number\psxunit mul exch
  1 Counter eq
    {moveto}                    % First point
    {\ifPst@HSB                 % Other points than the first one
       /PointY exch def
       /PointX exch def
       Counter \psk@plotpoints\space div
             \PstParametricplotHSB@HueBegin\space sub mul
           \PstParametricplotHSB@HueBegin\space add
         1 1 sethsbcolor
       PointX PointY lineto
       PointX PointY moveto
     \fi} ifelse
    } repeat}% fin du code ps
\end@ClosedObj}} % fin de la commande PSTricks

\pstVerb{/R1 3 def /R2 1 def /p1 17 def /q1 5 def /2pi 6.283185 def /ax \r\space def /by 0 def
\parametricplot[plotpoints=1040,linecolor=yellow!10,linewidth=0.25,algebraic]{0}{2pi q1 mul 0.1 add}{(R1*cos(t)+(R2*cos(t)+ax))/2+(R1*cos(t)-(R2*cos(t)+ax))/2*cos(p1*t/q1)| % x
                                                                          (R1*sin(t)+(R2*sin(t)+by))/2+(R1*sin(t)-(R2*sin(t)+by))/2*cos(p1*t/q1) % y
\parametricplotHSB[plotpoints=3600,algebraic,linewidth=2\pslinewidth,plotstyle=curve]{0}{2pi q1 mul 0.1 add}{(R1*cos(t)+(R2*cos(t)+ax))/2+(R1*cos(t)-(R2*cos(t)+ax))/2*cos(p1*t/q1)| % x
                                                                          (R1*sin(t)+(R2*sin(t)+by))/2+(R1*sin(t)-(R2*sin(t)+by))/2*cos(p1*t/q1) % y
\pstVerb{/R1 3 def /R2 1 def /p1 17 def /q1 5 def /2pi 6.283185 def /ax \r\space def /by 0 def
\parametricplot[plotpoints=1040,linecolor=yellow!10,linewidth=0.25,algebraic]{0}{2pi q1 mul 0.1 add}{(R1*cos(t)+(R2*cos(t)+ax))/2+(R1*cos(t)-(R2*cos(t)+ax))/2*cos(p1*t/q1)| % x
                                                                          (R1*sin(t)+(R2*sin(t)+by))/2+(R1*sin(t)-(R2*sin(t)+by))/2*cos(p1*t/q1) % y
\parametricplotHSB[plotpoints=3600,algebraic,linewidth=2\pslinewidth]{0}{2pi q1 mul 0.1 add}{(R1*cos(t)+(R2*cos(t)+ax))/2+(R1*cos(t)-(R2*cos(t)+ax))/2*cos(p1*t/q1)| % x
                                                                          (R1*sin(t)+(R2*sin(t)+by))/2+(R1*sin(t)-(R2*sin(t)+by))/2*cos(p1*t/q1) % y

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